
Message from the Controller of Communication Accounts, Kerala Telecom Circle

We are delighted to announce that a new website of CCA KERALA has been launched. This is a direct link from the Website of the office of CGCA (Controller General of Communication Accounts). As you are aware, CCA offices are pivotal in the regular payment of pension to both DOT and BSNL pensioners.

We cater to nearly 21000 pensioners in the circle. There are 12 public sector banks through which the pension is being drawn. Similarly, 51 head Post Offices in Kerala also draw pension for nearly 6600 pensioners. This circle co-ordinates the payment of nearly 490 crores as pension to various classes of retirees on as yearly basis.

Aside from the crucial work of disbursement of pension, this office also plays a cardinal role in the assessment of dues from various telecom service providers and the verification of the deductions claimed by them. The revenue is in the form of license fee and spectrum charges. We collected nearly Rs.  525 crores under both the heads during the year 2018-19. Several schemes under USO funds are also handled by this office.

We have launched SAMPANN (System for Accounting and Management of Pension). This was started in January 2019. From our office, we are directly paying pension to nearly 800 retirees. The system is working quite smoothly. We propose to take over the work of disbursement of pension for all the pensioners in the near future. We also hold regular pension Adalat’s in various parts of circle. During this, we redress the genuine grievances of the pensioners.

Your suggestions for further improvement of our website/office as well as for strengthening the systems and procedures are cordially welcome.


( A Ranganath Shyam)

Controller of Communication Accounts , Kerala Telecom Circle