* 1st Quarterly Sports Event of Bolleyball Tournament for all members of CCA Office, Patna held on 26.05.2023 at Telecom Recreation Club, Patna.
* पेंशनर पहचान पत्र वितरण शिविर 17.05.23 से 19.05.23 तक सी0सी0ए0 कार्यालय में सम्पन्न हुआ |
* Rashtravyapi Pension Adalat held on 17/05/2023 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* 38th Pension Adalat to be held on 04.05.2023 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Rashtravyapi Pension Adalat held on 30/03/2023 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Rashtravyapi Pension Adalat held on 08/01/2021 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Rashtravyapi Pension Adalat held on 08/01/2021 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Rashtravyapi Pension Adalat held on 24/11/2020 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* "Swachchhta Hi Sewa" celebrated on 02//10/2019 in O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna (In the wake of celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatama Gandhi).
* Review Meeting by Chief Vigilance Officer, Deptt. of Telecom. held on 20/09/2019 in O/o CCA Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Hindi Pakhwara celebrated from 16/09/2019 to 30/06/2019 in O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Rashtravyapi Pension Adalat held on 23/08/2019 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Investor Awarness Programme for DoT/ BSNL Pensioners & Retiring employees held on 26/07/2019 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Aadhaar Camp for DoT / BNSL Pensionsers held on 26/07/2019 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Free Medical Check-up Camp for DoT / BNSL Pensionsers held on 26/07/2019 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* 32th Pension Adalat held on 26/07/2019 at O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* International Yoga Day has been celebrated on 21/06/2019 in the office of CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* SAMPANN ( System for Authority and Management of Pension) launched on 29/12/2019 in O/o CCA, Bihar Circle, Patna.
* Vigilance Awarness Week celebrated in O/o CCA, Bihar Circle w.e.f. 29/10/18 to 03/11/18.
* Digital Payment Mela for the telecom retailer held in Patna Smart City on 15/10/2018.
* Digital Payment Mela for the telecom retailer held in Bihar Sharif Smart City on 12/10/2018.
* Digital Payment Mela for the telecom retailer held in Bhagalpur Smart City on 10/10/2018.
* Digital Payment Mela for the telecom retailer held in Muzaffarpur Smart City on 08/10/2018.
* Rashtravyapi Pension Adalat held in O/o CCA, Bihar on 18/09/2018.
* Digital Payment Meet with TSPs held on 11.09.2018 at O/o CCA, Bihar.
* Inauguration of mobile app by Mrs Anuradha Mitra, Member (F), Deptt. of Telecommunication on 30/01/2018.
* Stakeholder's meeting on DIGIDHAN mission under the Chairmanship of Shri P.K. Sinha, Advisor (F) of DoT on 4th Dec. 2017