Details of CPIO & 1st Appellate Authority in respect of RTI cases

Name of the CPIO                                  :    Shri Santanu Sarkar, Dy.CCA

Contact No.                                            :    033-22314151

Mob No.                                                  :    9804720523

Email ID                                                  :

Name of the 1st Appellate
Authority                                                :    Shri Dalzakam Valte

Contact No.                                            :    (033)2231 4151

Mob. No.                                                 :    7099691509

Email ID                                                  :    cca[at]ccakolkata[dot]gov[dot]in

Disclosure Under Section 4(1)(b) of Right to Information Act, 2005

i)          The particulars of its organization, functions and duties;

The office of Principal Controller of Communications, CTD is presently located at Telephone House at 8 Hare Street, Kolkata – 700001. This office was earlier known as ‘DOT Cell’ created following corporatization of the operations and services wing of DOT as Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited on 01/10/2000 vide DOT order no. 34-31/2000-SEA-I dated 28/09/2000.

Pr. CCA, Kolkata act as the Head of the Regional Monitoring Cell of Eastern Zone that deals with auditing (remote), arrangement against short term leave vacancy of CCA offices under its jurisdiction.

The manpower issues have been largely addressed by the joining of Senior/Junior Accountants and LDCs on permanent absorption basis.  The work assigned to this office has been carried out as per DOT guidelines issued from time to time.

Before introduction of SAMPANN, this office used to issue PPO and forwarded to approved Nationalized Bank etc. authorizing disbursement of Pension to the DoT/BSNL retirees.  But after rolling out of SAMPANN in this circle, this office issues PPO on and from 15.05.2019 in respect of DoT/BSNL retirees through SAMPANN without involving Nationalized Bank etc. as was done on the earlier occasion.  From 15.05.2019 the terminal benefits including monthly pension are being paid directly to the concerned retirees through RTGS on the basis of ECS mandate received from them.  

License Fee and SUC are collected from the Service Providers on quarterly basis.  The SUC section carries out assessment of spectrum uses charges on quarterly basis and placed demands on Telecom Service Providers.  Assessment of License Fee in respect of decentralised licenses and verification of deduction claim by the Service Providers are also being carried out by LF Section.  The section deals with maintenance of Bank Guarantee.

GPF Broadsheet for the DoT serving staff and BSNL employees of Calcutta Telephones District are being maintained by GPF Section.  The section also authorises final payment of GPF on retirement. 

Apart from the above services, there are other sections like Cash, Accounts, Admin, Legal etc. which operate general matters.

ii)         The powers and duties of its officers and employees;

            To examine proposals on the subjects being dealt with in the section, the LDC/JA/SA submits files/cases to AAO, who gives suggestions on the proposals and submit to AO and higher officers in accordance with the channel of submission and level of disposal of the matters under consideration.

iii)        The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability;

Position is as under:

Sl. No.

Type of Cases

Channel of Submission

Level of Disposal


Matters relating to

i) Admin/Estt./Procurement

ii) Parliament Questions/VIP references & PMO references






Matters relating to LF & SUC





Matters relating to

i) Pension

ii) Pension Revision

iii) PDA

iii) PVA

iv) GPF





Matters relating to Legal Case





Promotion, Appointment, engagement of security guard, house keeping staff, consultants, Tender through GeM, Settlement of RTI

Issue of Identity Card to All officers & Staff




iv)        The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions;

The guidelines framed by the Department on various subjects are followed scrupulously while processing the proposals.

v)         The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions;

Instructions are held by the Section.

vi)        A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control;

Guidelines/Instructions issued from time to time are held by the Section.

vii)       The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof;

Members of the public are not involved in the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

viii)      A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public;

Not applicable.

ix)         The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations;

The officers/staff are in the following pay scale:


Rs.182200 to 224100


Rs.144200 to 218200


Rs.78800 to 209200


Rs.67700 to 208700


Rs.56100 to 177500


Rs.53100 to 167800


Rs.47600 to 151100


Rs.35400 to 112400


Rs.29200 to 92300


Rs.19900 to 63200


Rs.18000 to 56900

x)        The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made;

Budget allocation for the year 2020-21

Sl. No.


(Rs. In Thousands)


Pension & Other retirement benefits(MH-2071)



BSNL VRS Scheme 2019 (MH-3275)



Working Expenses (Major Head – 3451)


xi)       The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes;

Not applicable.

xii)      Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it;

Not applicable.

xiv)      Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form;

Not applicable.

xv)       The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use;

Not applicable.

xvi)      The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers;


Shri Santanu Sarkar, Dy CCA

1st Appellate Authority

Shri Dalzakam Valte, CCA

xvii)     Such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year;

Not available.


Details of CPIO and First appellate authority in respect of RTI cases.
RTI applications settled in quarter (Details to be taken from RTI quarterly MIS report prepared in CCA Offices)
SL.NO Opening Balance Number of application received Number of application settled Closing Balance
1 0 for Q3 FY 2024 25 23 21 2
2 0 for Q2 FY 2024 25 23 23 0
3 0 for Q1 FY 2024 25 26 26 0
4 0 for Q4 FY 2023-24 13 13 0
5 0 for Q 3 2023-24 8 8 0
6 00 for Q2 of FY-2023-24 06 06 00
7 00 for Q-1 of FY 2023-24 06 06 00
8 00 for Quarter-IV of FY-2022-23 06 06 00
9 04 for Q-III of 2022-23 11 for Q-III of 2022-23 15 for Q-III of 2022-23 00 for Q-III of 2022-23
10 03 QUARTER II OF 2022-2023 12 QUARTER II OF 2022-2023 11 QUARTER II OF 2022-2023 4 QUARTER I OF 2022-2023
11 02 QUARTER I OF 2022-2023 15 QUARTER I OF 2022-2023 14 QUARTER I OF 2022-2023 3 QUARTER I OF 2022-2023
12 1 Quarter-IV 2021-22 15 Quarter-IV 2021-22 14 Quarter-IV 2021-22 2 Quarter-IV 2021-22
13 08 Quarter III [2021-22] 24 Quarter III [2021-22] 31 Quarter III [2021-22] 01 Quarter III [2021-22]
14 02 Quarter II 2021-22 23 Quarter II 2021-22 17 Quarter II 2021-22 08 Quarter II 2021-22
15 0 Quarter I 2021-22 4 Quarter I 2021-22 2 Quarter I 2021-22 2 Quarter I 2021-22
16 1 Quarter IV 2020-21 5 Quarter IV 2020-21 6 Quarter IV 2020-21 0 Quarter IV 2020-21
17 3 Quarter III 2020-21 24 Quarter III 2020-21 26 Quarter III 2020-21 1 Quarter III 2020-21
18 2 Quarter-II 2020-21 16 Quarter-II 2020-21 15 Quarter-II 2020-21 3 Quarter-II 2020-21
19 0 Quarter-I 2020-21 3 Quarter-I 2020-21 1 Quarter-I 2020-21 2 Quarter-I 2020-21
RTI First appeal settled in quarter
SL.NO Opening Balance Number of application received Number of application settled Closing Balance
1 0 for Q3 FY 2024 25 1 1 0
2 0 for Q2 FY 2024 25 1 1 0
3 0 for Q1 FY 2024 25 1 1 0
4 0 for Q4 FY 2023-24 0 0 0
5 0 for Q 3 FY 2023-24 1 1 0
6 00 for Q2 of FY-2023-24 00 00 00
7 00 for Q-1 of FY 2023-24 00 00 00
8 00 for Quarter-IV of FY-2022-23 02 02 00
9 00 for Q-III of 2022-23 02 for Q-III of 2022-23 02 for Q-III of 2022-23 00 for Q-III of 2022-23
10 00 QUARTER II OF 2022-2023 01 QUARTER II OF 2022-2023 01 QUARTER II OF 2022-2023 00
11 00 QUARTER I OF 2022-2023 02 QUARTER I OF 2022-2023 02 QUARTER I OF 2022-2023 00
12 0 Quarter-IV 2021-22 0 Quarter-IV 2021-22 0 Quarter-IV 2021-22 0 Quarter-IV 2021-22
13 0 Quarter III [2021-22] 0 Quarter III [2021-22] 0 Quarter III [2021-22] 0 Quarter III [2021-22]
14 0 Quarter II 2021-22 0 Quarter II 2021-22 0 Quarter II 2021-22 0 Quarter II 2021-22
15 0 Quarter I 2021-22 0 Quarter I 2021-22 0 Quarter I 2021-22 0 Quarter I 2021-22
16 1 Quarter IV 2020-21 3 Quarter IV 2020-21 4 Quarter IV 2020-21 0 Quarter IV 2020-21
17 0 Quarter III 2020-21 1 Quarter III 2020-21 0 Quarter III 2020-21 1 Quarter III 2020-21
18 0 Quarter-II 2020-21 1 Quarter-II 2020-21 1 Quarter-II 2020-21 0 Quarter-II 2020-21
19 0 Quarter-I 2020-21 0 Quarter-I 2020-21 0 Quarter-I 2020-21 0 Quarter-I 2020-21