The Telangana Circle came into existence on 01.04.2019 consequent upon bifurcation of the erstwhile office of Pr.CCA, Andhra Pradesh. Being the youngest circle amongst all the CCA offices, it had the challenges of starting everything afresh and opportunity of setting up sound systems and procedures to become an ideal workplace for all officers and staff and excel in the quality of service on the following.
- The office of Pr. CCA performs various functions of vital importance such as Pension, Revenue collection, assessment of License fee & SUC charges. Universal Service Obligation fund disbursement, monitoring, besides administrative functions, legal etc.
- The office is receptive to the grievances of the pensioners & other stakeholders; utmost care is taken to resolve them in a time bound manner with regular monitoring.
- Recently SAMPANN has been introduced for direct disbursement of retirement benefits.
Pr. CCA, Telangana Circle.