
Sl No. Name of Event/Activity Held on Held at Issues
1 Inaguaration Programme of SAMPANN 29.12.2018 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong New Pension Payment System under CPMS
2 Meeting with SBI/CPPC Guwahati 14.02.2019 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Pension related issues
3 Mock Drill for Earthquake by the 
Disaster Management Team
03.05.2019 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong For the sefety from earthquake
4 Roll Out of SAMPANN 23.05.2019 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong e-PPO distributed to the pensioner
5 Digitally signed PPO Book handed over
to the Pensioner
18.06.2019 Conference Hall, O/o GMTD, Agartala Discussion held on pension related issues and 
PPO Book handed over to the pensioner
6 International Yoga Day Celebration 21.06.2019 At the O/o CCA, Shillong Yoga Day celebrated sucessfully
7 Pension Adalat 27.06.2019 Conference Hall, O/o GMTD, Agartala Grivances of the pensioners herd & settled on spot
8 PVA Meeting with CPPC/SBI, Guwahati 24.07.2019 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Recovery of over paid pension & other pension related Issue
9 Plantation of Tree 25.07.2019 Surrounding the CTO building Plantation drive during the current monsoon season
10 E-PPO Distribution 02.08.2019 Aizawl E-PPO Distribution
11 Pension Adalat 21.08.2019 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Pension Adalat
12 2nd All India Pension Adalat 23.08.2019 Imphal 2nd All India Pension Adalat
13 Investor Awareness Programme 17.09.2019 All Saints Hall, I.G.P. Point, Shillong Investor Awareness Programme
14 Celebration on Hindi Pakhwada 30.09.2019 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Hindi Pakhwada
15 Celebration of Constitution Day 26.11.2019 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Celebration of Constitution Day
16 Meeting with ISP Licensee 11.02.2020 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Meeting with ISP Licensee
17 Celebration of Hindi Pakhwara 28.09.2020 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Hindi Pakhwara
18 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 03.11.2020 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Vigilance Awareness Week
19 Pension Adalat 06.01.2021 Video Conference Pension Adalat
20 Meeting with ISPs 13.01.2021 Video Conference Meeting with ISPs
21 Review meeting of NE-I Circle 05.02.2021 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Review meeting with Addl. CGCA
22 Inauguration of Inspection Quarter 05.02.2021 Inspection Quarter, Banasree, Shillong Inauguration of IQ by Addl. CGCA
23 Inauguration of Conference Room 05.02.2021 Conference Hall, O/o CCA, Shillong Inauguration of Dr. Nongrum Conference Room by Addl CGCA in presence of CCA, NE-I and CCA, Assam
24 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 28.10.2024 to 03.11.2024 Meghalaya Vigilance Awareness Week 2024